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Diesel Generators

The diesel generators provide a backup source of electric power for the most critical plant equipment in the case that the generator is separated from the power grid by a transmission line failure or a generator step-up transformer failure. Conventional nuclear power plants always incorporate on-site backup power typically in the form of diesel engines such as these. As this is a long-proven and relatively low-cost source of emergency backup power, the OPEN100 system will also incorporate these.



Power: 4000 kW / 5000 kVA Standby
Voltage: 4,160Y / 2,400 V
Quantity: 3 (N+1 redundancy)
Control Type: Paralleled Operation
Transfer Type: Circuit Breaker Switching Scheme

Kohler Power.png
Caterpillar Logo.png

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Open100 V2 Diesel Generator.jpg
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                  is a project of the Energy Impact Center, a Washington, DC based research institute focused on climate restoration.

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