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Generator Step-Up Transformer

The generator step-up (GSU) transformer provides the interface between the generator output at "medium" voltage (13,800 V) to the electric transmission grid at "high" voltage (115,000 Volts). GSU transformers are a part of any large-scale generation plant. In the OPEN100 design, one GSU handles all the power exported from the generator to the power grid and, when the turbine-generator is offline, supplies power from the grid to the loads within the plant.



Low Side Voltage: 13,800 V
High Side Voltage: 115,000 V
Power: 125 MVA OFAF
Temperature Rise Rating: 55/65°C Rise above Ambient
High-voltage Tap Changer: De-energized
Taps: +/- 5% (2.5% steps)

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                  is a project of the Energy Impact Center, a Washington, DC based research institute focused on climate restoration.

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